L'escola Experimental Adjunta a la Universitat Normal de Sichuan ens fa arribar aquest vídeo de presentació de la seva ciutat acompanyat d'aquest text en xinès amb la seva traducció a l'anglès:
这所拥有六十多年办学历史的学校,目前也是成都市的一所有名的私立学校,师生近三千人。学校分为住校部和走读部, 开设有学前班和小学一到六年级。“为每个孩子的幸福人生奠基”这是学校每位老师的责任与信念。在美丽的校园里,孩子们幸福地成长,快乐地生活。
There is a city in the Sichuan province in western China that once you come to you don't want to leave, called Chengdu.
Chengdu is a famous historic and cultural city, and is the important cradle of the ancient Shu kingdom’s culture. The JINSHA Site Museum, The Temple of Marquis, DU FU Thatched Cottage Museum, Jinli Ancient Street and Kuan&Zhai Alley in this city all tell you about the long history of Chengdu.
Chengdu is also an international metropolis of modern fashion. The modern city and the beautiful countryside in this city complement each other. And with the fortune 500 companies, now in Chengdu this ancient city has become more dynamic.
Chengdu is also a city of delicacy and relaxation. The spicy food of Sichuan has become world famous. And the tea-houses have become the symbol of the Sichuan relaxed life style. Everywhere in Chengdu one can see the hot-pot, and fire-pot kabob restaurants.
Chengdu has many special local products, but one of the most famous “specialties” is the Panda. There are all kinds of signs of Pandas in the city of Chengdu, yes, Chengdu is the home town of the Panda!
Our school ---- The Experimental School Attached To Sichuan Norma University is located on the campus of Sichuan Normal University in the easternsuburb of this beautiful city.
Being located on the campus of one of Sichuan’s leading teaching universities, not only is our school influenced by the cultural atmosphere of higher learning, but it is also privy to all of the latest achievements in the education scientific research. It is the typical campus within a campus.
This school has more than 60 years' history, and is now a famous private school of Chengdu. The school is divided into boarding and day school and It teaches both preschool and primary school, with a combined teacher, student body of nearly three thousand "Lay the foundation for every kid’s happiness" is each teacher's responsibility and belief. Children live and grow healthily and happily in a beautiful campus .
dilluns, 14 de desembre del 2015
La ciutat de Cheng Du
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Cheng Du
Contes cantats 2015-16
Escola Experimental Adjunta a la Universitat Normal de Sichuan